Products & Courses

Our Abacus Maths programme is structured according to different levels of learning. This allows children of different ages to join the programme when they can – there is no need to start in Grade R.

The ages from birth until the age of six are crucial in the development for children and therefore, it’s so important to foster their learning in this age period. They are like sponges and absorb all information around them and then actively make sense of it. They absorb everything around them, effortlessly, continuously and indiscriminatel

Step by Step 3 year olds

We start teaching children the language of Mathematics and also to have proper conceptualization up to 5, while laying a solid foundation and conceptualisation of numbers.

Everything is done through interactive and multisensory play.

They learn to:

  • Recognize shapes in the real world
  • Start sorting things by colour, shape and size.
  • Compare and contrast using classifications like height and size.
  • Understand that numerals stand for number names (4 stands for four).
  • Use spatial awareness to put puzzles together.

Numeracy Programme 4-6 year olds

We assess all children from 4-6 years old to establish what they know about numbers already. This assessment/ “placement tool” directs us to choose between our “Numeracy programme” or the Japanese Abacus programme.

The Numeracy programme is a stunning, kinaesthetic learning experience. Our students have a hands-on experience, which equips them with a number sense from 1-10. Our unique number stories and practical exercises help them put what they have learnt into practice. Our workbooks are effective, interactive and fun. Let us help your child to speak the language of maths!

Introductory Level Japanese Abacus Course – Grade 00 to Grade 1 (Ages 5 to 7)

The Introduction to the Japanese abacus/ “Soroban” flows from our “Placement tool” result done with all 4-6 year olds.

All students who pass this assessment know their numbers one to nine, are able to add value to them and are able to recognise and write each of them too.

We build on this knowledge and expand to a solid base of a 100. We also teach them the basic Japanese Abacus keys which enable them to do basic addition and subtraction mentally as well.

Basic Level – Grade 2 to 7 (Ages 8 to 12)

We teach children the 54 keys to unlock the genius of the Japanese Abacus as well as number sense up to a Million. Our goal is to lay a solid foundation for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Children are constantly encouraged to challenge themselves and grow in problem-solving abilities.

This programme has proved to fill gaps in a student’s mathematical foundation and is highly recommended. We encourage parents to start early. Grade 6 to 7 Abacus beginners are welcome to register, but parents of gr 6 and 7 students battling with mathematics, are advised to first consult with your local instructor for an assessment before registering for this course

Intermediate Level

The intermediate levels are for those students who have completed the 54 keys of the basic course.

Ages vary from grade 0 to grade 7. This is where the” magic” really lies. Students on this level get to do their Multiplication and division on the Japanese Abacus. We build on the Mental Maths skills which they have acquired in the basic level. This is a very exciting part of the course. Students who work through these levels usually excel at school.

At this point the basics of mathematics should be laid.

Advanced Level

Everything that has been trained up to now at the advanced levels, call for greater visualisation and solution skills. Commitment, Discipline, Effort, Enthusiasm Determination and Perseverance are the keys they acquire with these levels on the pathway to their success.

Watching students at this level is an eye-opening experience. Solving problems are taken to an even higher level.

Students who continue on the advanced levels have a love for maths and excel with confidence, speed and accuracy. It should be noted that the program has the ability to increase IQ and stimulate brain development in general.


“I am truly grateful that I got to be a part of the Abacus Math franchise over these past ten years. One of my passions is actually Mathematics and helping others understand the subject, and there is no doubt that Abacus Math played a role in initiating that spark. I will forever be thankful for the endless amount of time and energy that was put into ensuring my growth as a student.”

Zee-Jay Ngwenya

Grade 12

“At Abacus Maths they don’t just teach the Abacus Skill, they teach them discipline and pride. All the instructors have so much patience and love for the children. It is just incredible to watch. They have become like family. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for Arno with the help from these angels disguised as Abacus Maths instructors. #mathscomefirst #makingyourchildcount.”

Anneline de Beer

Abacus Parent

“We are also reaping the benefits from Abacus Maths with Arno’s schoolwork. Due to it helping so much with memory, brain development and learning styles he cuts through his schoolwork like a warm knife through butter.”

Anneline de Beer

Abacus Parent

“I enrolled my eldest child when she was 5 years old and have been amazed at the skills she has developed over the past 2 years. I decided to learn with my daughter as I believe that training and exercising the brain is valuable at any age. I know my children will have an (unfair) advantage over many of their peers because of the programme.”

Ehllené Bekker

Abacus Parent

“My kids are loving maths, a subject which is feared or disliked by most kids their age. I am so glad that I can afford my kids the opportunity to obtain these skills with Abacus Maths. The only problem is that I now have to up my game with maths, in order to retain the kids confidence in my knowledge. Thank you for an excellent programme and an environment conducive to learning and development.”

Mary-Ann Buffel

Abacus Parent

“In 2017 Arno was part of the team that went to Thailand, he came home with a 2nd Place and very proud family and friends. Abacus Maths has helped our little man to grow so much over the last few years, he just turned 8 and his academic ability is far beyond that of his peers.”

Anneline de Beer

Abacus Parent

“Abacus equips the children to be independent and they are able to solve calculations on their own. I never imagined that at age 6, Tebogo, would already be solving double-digit equations. The colourful books make work exciting because of the puzzles, suduko, mazes and drawings that are incorporated among the sums.”

Nomfundo Booth

Abacus Parent, Horizon View Primary

“Ek waardeer die professionele maar ook intensiewe onderrig wat die span vir elke kind aanbied sodat elkeen ‘n gelyke kans kan kry om te kan presteer! Haar konsentrasievermoë het geweldig verbeter en sy leer baie vinniger! Adeline het verlede jaar ‘n balkie ontvang vir Ereklere in Akademie en sy presteer nogsteeds bo-gemiddeld in elke toets – haar gemiddeld vir Wiskunde is tans oor die 90%.”

Ilse Cronje

Abakus Ouer

“Thank You for this wonderful math program!!! My son has been doing Abacus Maths for the past 4 years and loves it. I must say I have never seen anyone get an answer to a Maths question so quickly as he does. It is amazing!!! His attention span and concentration level have improved. Abacus has boosted his confidence. Thanks to Abacus, he is finding maths exciting and fun!!!”

Chantelle Pretorius

Abacus Parent

“Hierdie briefie is net om dankie te sê vir die ongelooflike groei wat ek in Gerhard sien. Ek is so bly dat hy reeds in Graad R met Abakus begin het, want dit het die wiskundige begrippe van die begin af gevestig. Ek sal Abacus Maths met ‘n oop gemoed vir enige-iemand aanbeveel!”


Abakus Ouer

“Lwazi started Abacus Maths in her grade R year. Abacus Maths has helped my daughter to know and understand numbers at an early age and it has improved her thinking skills. I’m very happy with Abacus as I only need to check and sign her school Maths homework because she does it on her own.”

Zanele Hlatshwayo

Abacus Parent

“We have two kids who attend Abacus Maths classes. I’m very impressed. My kids have no problems. They are doing extremely well at school maths. You guys are doing a super great job. Thanks!”

Joyce Kobue

Abacus Parent

“Ané (5) het Abakus begin in haar graad R jaar. Sy is tog te trots as sy huiswerk moet doen. Haar getal begrip het verstewig en haar wiskundige vaardighede verbeter elke week. Ek sal Abakus vir enige kind aanbeveel. Dit lê ‘n goeie grondslag vir die toekoms van die kind se akademiese prestasie.”

Sherma Malan

Abakus Ouer

“A few years ago, I attended a meeting at my children’s nursery school and was amazed at the abilities of some young children who had been trained using the abacus maths system. The children could do mental arithmetic faster than I could find the calculator function on my cell phone!”

Ehllené Bekker

Abacus Parent

“Een van die beste besluite wat ons nog gemaak het was om vir Divan in te skryf by Abacus Maths. Hy het laas jaar met die tydtoetse net-net betyds klaar gemaak en deesdae doen hy die toetse sommer in die helfte van die tyd! Sy konsentrasie en redenasie vermoë het ook baie verbeter. Die boekies is op n baie hoë standaard en Divan geniet dit veral om die sodukos in te vul. Ek sal hierdie program beslis aanbeveel.”


Abakus Ouer

“Chrislyn has participated in Abacus Maths for about 4 years now. The benefits I see as a parent is far beyond what I could have hoped for. I was never hoping for my child to become a maths genius but may get close now. I was looking to build up her confidence and the way she would learn in such a way that learning could be easy. Abacus has given her this simple, easy way to learn. As much as I can see this extends in all subjects now.”

Lorna Cohen

Abacus Parent, Victory House Private School

“As ons wiskunde huiswerk doen, sê hy sommer gou gou vir my ek moet hom asb nie help nie want, “hy weet wat om te doen”. Ek is so trots op hom, en voel dat dit die heel beste ding is wat ek vir hom kon doen. Ek weet nie hoe julle dit doen nie, maar dit is ‘n wenresep, die boeke is van die hoogste kwaliteit met kleur prentjies en aktiwiteite. Ek is so dankbaar vir wat julle hom leer, en boonop geniet hy dit gate uit.”

Luitha M. Roux

Abakus Ouer

“Growing up maths was always a challenge. When my daughter started doing Abacus Maths I realised that with the correct foundation and method of teaching, math becomes simple and fun. How I wish I myself could have done Abacus Maths when I was at school.”

Selwyn Klassen

Abacus Parent

“Lesley has fallen in love with maths and there has been a tremendous improvement in her marks at school. Not only does she love it, she looks forward to attending her class. What makes this program even more special is that the teachers have years of experience. They are patient and the kids have fun whilst learning. Abacus Maths has changed both our lives. Lesley has become so independent and I don’t fight about homework and poor marks anymore.”

Estelle Wood

Abacus Parent

“Our son (6 years old) really loves Abacus Maths and has developed an even greater love of numbers and counting since beginning the Abacus classes. His Abacus teacher is full of encouragement and praise for his efforts and takes a personal interest in him. Abacus Maths appears to be a great investment in our son’s development.”


Abacus Parent

“Oorspronklik het ek gedink dit was slegs ‘n wiskundige- ontwikkelings-program maar het vinnig besef dat dit in werklikheid ‘n brein-ontwikkelings-program is wat wiskunde as basis gebruik. My dogtertjie is huidig in graad 2 en doen reeds maal- en- deel somme gelykstaande aan ‘n graad 5 vlak. Bv 728 x 9 en dit sonder die gebruik van die abakus. Ek sal beslis Abakus hoogs aanbeveel vir alle mense, groot en klein.”

Lize du Plooy

Abakus Ouer

“Jonathan’s love for Abacus comes from the guidance and teaching of the Abacus teachers who teach with LOVE. The books they utilize are comprehensive teaching tools, which compliment their teaching methods. It’s so contagious that his sister, Andrea (3), adds or takes away numbers as he does homework on a weekly basis. As parents we can only be proud of his achievements to date.”

Jacqui Willemse

Abacus Parent

“Sedert Deidré by Abakus begin het, is haar begrip vir somme maak – optel, aftrek en vermenigvuldiging- verstommend! Ek is so dankbaar vir die werk wat julle doen. Ek het self verlede jaar uitgehelp met die kompetisie wat julle geloods het, en was verstom! Die kinders het somme gemaak – optel, aftrek, maal en deel – waarvoor ek beslis ‘n sakrekenaar sou moes nader trek! Ek kan nie wag dat Deidré ook tot op daardie vlak vorder nie!”

Lorraine van der Merwe

Abakus Ouer

“It really is amazing how much Abacus Maths has done for my daughter Leané, aged 8. What I like most about Abacus Math is that you’re having fun whilst learning. I thank you, the Abacus Maths team for giving our children such a huge advantage in life and treating our children as your own & putting them first. Abacus Maths is truly the best!”

Eurika Victor

Abacus Parent

“Tyler, was selected to participate in the National competition that year, my husband and I made a decision to decline the invitation; maybe due to our own fears as parents that he was too young. He entered the following year. We received great support and comfort from Abacus Maths. Tyler was awarded the Champion of Champions trophy that year! The results and impact of this achievement was prevalent in him gaining confidence in his maths ability.”

Mary-Ann Buffel

Abacus Parent

“The ability to solve mathematical problems develops children’s confidence in their ability to solve any problem which they may encounter in life. Not being able to master maths negatively influences children’s perception of their ability to gain mastery over life’s challenges. The kind, loving way in which my daughter has been guided to solve mathematical problems at Abacus Maths has built her self-confidence tremendously. Not only is she learning to love maths, but also that she possesses the innate ability to overcome life’s many challenges.”

Dr Lize Wolfaardt

Psychologist and mother to Moya

“I have seen many extra-mural activities but none have come close to the Abacus Maths programme. This Maths programme does not only stimulate the minds of my learners but also helps with their perceptual and fine motor development with the interesting and fun exercises they do before they start the actual programme. All my learners that attend the maths program score very high marks during their assessments.”

Allmary Jacobs

Horizon View Primary

“Abacus has benefited me a lot with schoolwork and basic life skills. As soon as I joined Abacus Maths, my math marks improved. I am also able to finish my exam papers quicker than most students. Thanks to Abacus! It has also taught me discipline, dedication, commitment, consistency and responsibility, which I believe helped me become a Student Council (leader) at Alma Mater International. Thanks to abacus I am the person I am today.”

Maderi de Meyer

Grade 12

“Abacus has helped me tremendously in my academics. When partaking in competitions specifically, we are taught to answer with speed as well as accuracy. And have to write our answers in a neat and legible manner. This skill really served as an advantage to me when it comes to finishing tests and exams under the limited time constraints. Abacus has taught me how to approach questions in a pro-active and efficient way. I am able to process how to solve problems as I read the question, and write my answers in a quick yet logical manner all thanks to Abacus Math.”

Zee-Jay Ngwenya

Grade 12

“They are very committed and loyal to the service they offer, making sure their groups stay small, giving individual attention thus helping each child to reach their full potential. I have seen that the interface between our Grade R curriculum and the Abacus Maths results in producing fully rounded children. This all results in the positive feedback we regularly receive from our local primary schools.”

Dollie Lourens

Principal, Smiley Kids, Florida

“Wanneer ons gewone Wiskunde aktiweite in die Gr R klas doen, neem die Abakus kinders definitief die leiding in my klas. Hulle is baie opgewonde oor die klasse en sien uit na hulle Abakusklas vir die week. Hulle vra elke dag of hulle gaan Abakus doen.”

Juf René Linde

Graadhoof, Gr R en RR

“With the help of a team of professional and well organised presenters the Abacus Maths programme assists our learners to enhance their ability to solve mathematical problems in a fun and interactive way. By utilising colourful text books as one of their teaching tools they develop a love for maths from an early age in life. We can recommend Abacus Maths to any school, organisation or parent.”

Mrs A Lombard

Executive Head, Curro Krugersdorp

“We have found the company to be very well organised and accommodating around school activities. The presenters are professional and their conduct towards the children is always that of a very caring nature. The program enhances the numeracy learning taking place in the classrooms and supports the fundamentals of numerical concepts. I can recommend Abacus Maths to any school.”

Mrs E Minnaar

Principal, Maragon Pre-School